NDITC Inkjet Refilling Business Manual
Authored by Gregory Bodenhamer Fortune 100 Consulting Specialist NDITC
Founder and Owner of New Deal Ink and Toner Company
Web http://www.NewDealInk.Com Email NewDealInk@Live.Com
The Big Splash
You can spend a great deal of time earning a living. You can even spend more time trying to figure out how to make your car payment, home mortgage payment and maybe even paying for your children’s college education.
When you put the horse back in front of the cart you soon realize that you’ve always known the exact answer. Start Your Own Business.
You can stop the free-for-all trying to pay your bills and keeping your head above water.
Greg will teach you how to open your own inkjet and toner printer cartridge business and believe me when I say this; he’s done it from coast to coast across America.
In a matter of a few days you can easily, without difficulty, start earning $50 to $100 per hour and never leave the comfort of your own home.
The NDITC business plans are very simple to understand and uncomplicated to use. Most of the NDITC clients never fully realized the tremendous cash income opportunity found within one mile from their kitchen table. We’re going to show you everything you need to earn money, real money.
Thousands of people, people just like you, want to start their own small money making business but are not reasonably sure what to do, who to trust or how much money it may cost. These are typical questions of the thousands that want to earn more. Your home based business can be started almost risk free with proper help and instructions.
We all know that people try and fool you to get your money.
Let’s put the thought of being cheated behind us.
We’re going to offer you Program 1302 for free to get you started, yes free.
Program 1302 will be sent to you free of any charges now or in the future.
Most adults understand this problem of crooks all over the internet trying to sell books, refill machines or some other lame idea and avoid taking the necessary steps to gain their own personal and professional wealth.
Charming sales people and captivating internet sites can be found by the tens of thousands to help you start your home based business, all you have to do is send them your money. We all know that game.
A new NDITC client told us the other day that something comparable or at least related to our programs another company wanted $25,000.00. We’ve found the honest way to grow our inkjet and toner printer cartridge business plan and the first way was to always tell the truth. You never need that much money.
I just got off the phone with them, one of those advertised guys on eBay, and they wanted twenty five thousand dollars for about half of your program.
NDITC has created a money making opportunity. NDITC is in the business of creating money making business opportunities. Our company helps people start their own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business and hundreds of people contact us every working day.
You’re not going to get rich quick. You’re going to make money slowly at first by helping your friends, family and associates save a great deal of money at work buying from you, including your boss if you happen to have one. Friends at social clubs, face-book friends, my-space friends, church groups, community organizations, government offices and hundreds more. Even you local gas station buys inkjet or toner printer cartridges.
The NDITC inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge plans are proprietary. We let our clients use our systems, manuals, instructions, directories and other resource materials but they remain NDITC property. NDITC is a privately owned wealth creation system created by a Fortune 100 specialist and consultant.
The entire business of cartridge refilling has shaped a brand new opportunity and is producing wealth within the small business community. You see, the cartridge refilling business is almost ready to cave in and fall to pieces.
The inkjet refill and toner recharging store front is almost gone from main-street.
The inkjet refilling store is almost insolvent and close to being penniless. We’ll show you how to avoid the boom and bust business of inkjet refill machines and franchise offers.
There are so many schemes and swindles on the internet today trying to set people up as ink and toner dealers it’s like watching snake oil salesman. Fake factories spring up almost weekly. The newest sham is setting you up as an instant dealer of their cartridges. You pay them money and you get some web site just like their other customers. You keep paying them even if you never sell one cartridge.
Fake dealers bounce into the market under many different names. Our exclusive NDITC research shows that one company may have several different dot.com named companies trying to hook customers pretending to be sellers at wholesale.
We paid for one of those expert books and it was a hoax at best and a total waste of money. We’re still waiting for the refund. Your program three Greg was worth every penny and we’re grateful for the help.
Fake inkjet and toner stores are launched every day at an alarming rate. One out of site company might open 100 fake internet stores.
These phony companies sell counterfeit cartridges which really mean that they don’t work and you never get a refund. They know that you won’t put up much of a fight for a twenty dollar order. These companies sell imported replicas that are not truly compatible or functional. They never ship after you pay. If the cartridge fails they offer no refund or replacement.
NDITC has solved all of these problems.
Every vendor that you use is authorized and certified by NDITC and endorsed by our company as an honest and approved supplier of inkjet and toner cartridges.
We’re helping expose these offenders and villains and replacing them with honest and respectable NDITC dealerships in North America.
We’re teaching people by the hundreds weekly how to avoid the traps of refill machines, franchise fees and royalties and create profits and wealth.
Big retailers like Staples Inc and Office Max and others are crushing the small mom-pop inkjet refill toner recharging business owners. They (major retailers) are buying up the empty (virgin core) inkjet and toner cartridges by the millions.
The big O.E.M. Original Equipment Manufacturing companies are funding this so called green-save the world- save the planet effort- to protect their massive inkjet and toner cartridge profits.
They have a simple plan. If you cannot get hold of an empty inkjet or toner cartridge you cannot refill it. They’re putting the little guys out of business.
Franchise operators and inkjet refilling machine makers overlook these important facts about the business. They tend to disregard the entire story to sell you their plans, refill machines and other expensive supplies.
You won’t have to worry with NDITC.
If you go back five to ten years the cartridge refilling or inkjet refilling business was a boom of opportunity. If you go back further, in certain ways, the cartridge refilling business was really a gold rush.
People by the thousands were hurrying around trying to buy inkjet refill machines. Hundreds of people borrowed money to purchase a franchise to refill inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges.
This opportunity has dramatically changed. We’re going to teach you about this opportunity and help you start your business.
NDITC sells inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business plans. You’re going to start your own business and you’re going to make money. Every strategy plan comes with pre-paid consulting by phone, email or in person depending on the plan you may purchase.
You’re going to own your own inkjet refill business without ever owning any inkjet refill machine. Believe us, this is a big deal. You can purchase finished and ready to print inkjet cartridges by the thousands for the price of one cheap leaky imported refilling machine.
With NDITC you can purchase over 11,000 Canon inkjet cartridges for the price of one worthless inkjet refilling machine. A low-priced and economical inkjet refilling machine costs about five thousand dollars. This does not include supplies, bulk ink, safeguarding by insurance, expensive repairs and upkeep not to mention it really takes a long time to refill an inkjet cartridge. If you’re refilling a bad cartridge, you do it all for nothing and you gain a very mad customer when they find out that is doesn’t work.
NDITC has the better way. You will have no repair expenses. You will have no upkeep expenses.
The $5,000 investment in inkjet cartridges, for example, would create total gross sales of $174,000.00. What’s better than this you never have to spend that much money, if any at all?
You can buy one cartridge, five cartridges or never buy any and just have them drop shipped after you get paid. We’ll also teach you about consumer-customer economics where your customers finance everything and you spend nothing. Customers bankroll every business but we’ll show you how to get their money first and you just keep the profits. Money Matters.
NDITC is the best way and the new way and the only New Deal Ink and Toner Company in the American market-place today.
You see, what’s really changed is that people are not buying refilled cartridges like they did a few years ago. Wow!
If the customer base is moving away from cheap leaky refills, you don’t need thousands of dollars for some cheap imported refill machine. Many refill machines are sitting inactive due to no customers across the country. Refill machine owners are not shiftless or work-shy their customers have chosen a better way to purchase their cartridges.
In fact, you never have to buy any machines. You simply buy the cartridges that your customers want to acquire and purchase. It’s simple, easy and risk free and your customers really appreciate the good deal and the good buy.
You never have to rent a building, unless you just want too! You can store up a lot of inkjet or toner cartridges in your basement or closet. Don’t laugh too loud. You can squirrel away hundreds of inkjet printer cartridges in something the size of your luggage or overnight bag.
You don’t have to buy a bunch of supplies and you surely don’t need any franchise deal.
Inkjet printer cartridges are small but, most importantly they’re big time money makers.
NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner has fully developed a very simple method for you to jump into the inkjet toner printer cartridge business and earn a great income without all the risk of other offers.
We have four (4) standard business plans + we have Program 1302 which is a free starter business for the asking. Program 1302 lets you put into practice a simple business plan without any expenses and you owe us nothing. Program 1302 is a rehearsal or training business that lets you earn and learn at the same time. Don’t let the word free alarm you; it’s a great way to get started and remove the fear of starting your own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business.
Once you get your feet wet you can graduate or advance your inkjet and toner printer cartridge business by purchasing one of our (4) basic plans.
You will never learn to refill any inkjet printer cartridge.
You will never learn to recharge any toner printer cartridges.
You will never own a machine.
You will never lease a machine.
You will never scour your hands to remove the ink splash off your hands.
Over the last 29 years Gregory Bodenhamer Fortune 100 Specialist has helped small and significant businesses create absolute wealth.
You’re going to enjoy his programs that can cost tens of thousands of dollars for only a tiny fraction of the cost.
He founded NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Mechanicsburg Pa after he departed the giant Staples Inc.
You can visit his site at http://www.NewDealInk.Com
As you may know Staples is the world’s largest office supply house in the world.
This giant of a company hired Gregory to provide teaching, training, performance development, fulfillment, distribution, supply chain expertise and management to their company.
This vast knowledge, skill and know-how are found within every NDITC small business program that you’re learning about today.
You will be able to earn $500 to $1,000 per week just getting started when you follow the plan. The NDITC secrets are revealed to you to make sure you understand how to purchase and sell inkjet and laser toner printer cartridges at a direct profit. Your new business is about making money and friends.
Believe in something. People have own and operated small, medium and large businesses and made a fortune. You can do the same thing with NDITC.
It’s the American Dream.
NDITC will show you where you can buy a finished inkjet printer cartridge for about $0.43 cents each.
Needless to say these top-secret suppliers have been guarded from the very start of the cash rich industry.
Major retailers like Office Max, Staples, Best Buy, Office Depot, Wall-mart etc rather you not know about the true like wholesale cost of name brand inkjet and toner printer cartridges. You can be sure that Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Dell Brother and all the others don’t want you to find these factories and suppliers of inkjet and toner printer cartridges.
A Fortune 100 Consulting company can charge a great deal of money for a business plan, marketing plan, sales, plan, operations and administration planning for your small business. In fact, the price can be tens of thousands of dollars.
The founder and owner knew if he were to reach the broader base of entrepreneurs that wanted to own their very own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business the price would have to be much lower.
NDITC developed a very simple idea into a wonderful national consulting company. Take the large consulting fees and divide that same fee by hundreds of smaller client companies.
These trade secrets, business plans, suppliers, manuals and instructions would cost you thousands of dollars just a few years ago.
Now the charges are small and just a minor expense to starting your own inkjet and toner cartridge business thanks to the internet exposure NDITC enjoys in the market-place.
You see, major factories, distributors and authentic suppliers of inkjet and laser toner cartridges don’t advertise to the general public.
Even the smallest of the NDITC plans gives your information that cannot be found in the open market-place. The Program One price is only $39.95, total.
You don’t need to buy a franchise for $50,000 to $200,000 any longer.
NDITC gives you enough information so you can forget about franchise offers and inkjet toner refilling machines.
Greg, I had no idea the program was so extensive and complete, thank you.
You will be able to buy a name brand cartridge for $0.43 cents.
This same cartridge sells at Staples for $15.00.
Image a gross profit of $14.57 for one tiny little cartridge.
There are many reasons for operating your own business. The primary reason is to create wealth and continued opportunity.
Your profit margins will be amazing because the cost of your finished (printer ready) inkjet cartridges really don’t cost a lot of money when you know where the real factories are located.
If you sell one cartridge per day (20 day month) (Monday-Friday) as in our example you’ll earn $291.40.
How much is your car payment?
How many cartridges would you have to sell to make a brand new car payment?
If you sold two (2) inkjet cartridges a day your gross profit would be $582.80 and that’s just the introduction of your inkjet and toner business.
Once you get going the earnings potential keeps growing.
NDITC will show you how to do this without a store front.
We also have programs for Bricks, Clicks and Flips.
BRICKS, These NDITC unique programs show you how to open your own main-street brick and mortar store front if you may want to open your own store.
CLICKS, you could start and operate your own e-commerce web site and enjoy sales from across the nation. You could even sell on Amazon or EBay auction sites.
FLIPS, you can even have people flip through your own inkjet and toner catalog.
NDITC remains the only consulting company in the nation that opens up the many trade-secrets to the average person to allow their money making secrets to create wealth.
Keep in mind; this is a home based business model that you can make bigger when you decide to grow your business. Remember that you can start free with Program 1302 and then advance into a paid NDITC program.
No machines, No franchise fees keeps your start up cost small and manageable at all times. You’re not going to have to make monthly payments, pay insurance premiums, you don’t need to hire people or provide health insurance. This is your business.
We’re astonished by your presentations. The main manual of over 200 pages was full of great surprises that we never thought about. Thanks again.
You can enjoy your success unhurried and simply remain a small part-time business from your kitchen table top. You can leisurely grow by selling to your friends and family. When you’re ready to grow you simply tell more people that you sell inkjet and toner cartridges.
When your company grows you can go full-time gradually and take all the time you want. If you only sell 100 cartridges per month your gross earnings reach $1,457.00. NDITC is talking real money.
Many people are trying to find new employment within our slow economy.
This is your best choice.
Selling inkjet and toner printer cartridges at some discount is almost recession proof.
Everybody wants to save and you can be the one that saves them money.
If you want to change jobs or start earning more money start your own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business.
You can start learning and earning at the same time.
Every friend you have will buy their cartridges from you.
All their friends will buy from you. You can quickly learn and apply everything quickly and easily.
This is a big business and it’s larger every day.
Over 220 million printers are operating today. How many are in your area zip code.
We’ll show you how to make your financial calculations so you can estimate your future worth. You don’t have to learn how to run a machine. All you have to be good at is making your bank deposits.
You understand the Green Wave rushing all over America. The cartridge business by NDITC is a Green Wave Business. You’re going to help the environment with every cartridge you sell.
This business has everything you may want.
Resistant to recession.
Money making with little effort.
No long term leases or loans.
Easy to understand guides, instructions and manuals with back up consulting by email or phone.
All the major brands like Hp Hewlett Packard Canon Epson Lexmark Dell Brother and many more will be available to you. You can have the lowest prices in your area and the best of services.
If you may be a housewife you can start your business.
If you’re a single mother this is a perfect money maker.
If may already have a retail store you can expand your sales.
Working women can double or triple their income.
Maybe you’re unemployed and you’re looking for income.
Perhaps you want to get a brand new career and triple your income.
Whatever the reason, NDITC is the place you want to be.
You do not need any tools.
You do not need any refilling machines.
You do not need a franchise.
You don’t pay fees or royalties.
It’s a New Deal Ink and Toner Company
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